about me
Blue is my favorite personal color. Blue is the sky, the sea, the feeling of endless space, blue is freedom and being alive, blue is being in peace with oneself.
Blue Life Learning is artistic, personal, creative, open and alive, in move and with the possibility to keep developing all the time.
It wants to be my contribution to a better world where we will be closer to who we are.
My passion of working with people is coming out of my own experience about how much change in us OUT OF OURSELVES is possible.
The origin is the experience resulting from my suffering from very weak health after the birth of my son in 2005.
I will be able to overcome it, change my life and relationship with my body profoundly with the Grinberg Method.
In 2008 I left my profession as an architect to get involved for the first time with the studies of the Grinberg method 100%. Although I returned to architecture in 2011, learning and teaching have accompanied me until now and somehow allways in parallel with my work in the world of architectura.
blue life learning was born then, a personal project marked by the shocking experience that in our society there is an increasing lack of having and recovering a relationship with our body.
I am currently an assistant and student studying the Grinberg Method at the bodylearning school in Milan.
Su Espinagosa, Palma de Mallorca 2024
Why have the wings unless you're meant to fly
and tell me please why have a mind
if not to question why?
And tell me where,
Where is it written what it is I'm meant to be?
Barbra Streisand | Yentl